Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • 1. Roller Hockey Accreditation Courses - Referee Level 1

    • 2. Accreditation Grades

  2. 2
    • 3. Introduction to Refereeing

    • 4. Uniform

    • 5. Attitude

    • 6. Whistle techniques

    • 7. Routine

    • 8. Guidance

  3. 3
    • 9. Dynamic Movement

    • 10. General Points

    • 11. General Movement

    • 12. Main Positioning

    • 13. Ball behind the goal

    • 14. Movement

    • 15. Where to look

    • 16. Where to look diagrams

    • 17. Start of half or after a goal

    • 18. Timeouts

    • 19. Signals to the timekeepers

    • 20. Movement after a goal

    • 21. Movement after a sanction

    • 22. Counting 45 seconds

    • 23. Direct Free Hits and Penalties

    • 24. Taking Direct Free Hits and Penalties

  4. 4
    • 25. Signals

    • 26. Advantage and Faceoff

    • 27. Technical and Team Fouls

    • 28. Goal and Restart

    • 29. Warning and Issuing Card

    • 30. Direct Free Hit and Penalty

    • 31. Passive Play and Timeout

    • 32. High Ball and Stick

    • 33. Deflection and No Goal

    • 34. Football and Hook

    • 35. Chop and Stick Lift

    • 36. Moving and Holding

    • 37. Cage and Blocking

    • 38. Playing the ball with body or hand

    • 39. Switch ends and Pushing

    • 40. Counts

    • 41. Numbers

    • 42. Numbers Example

  5. 5
    • 43. Management of the match

    • 44. Different levels of play

    • 45. Different levels of Referee

  6. 6
    • 46. Interpretations

    • 47. High Stick & Advantage

    • 48. Playing the ball with skates

    • 49. Technical Fouls

    • 50. Team Fouls

    • 51. Team Fouls

    • 52. Verbal Warnings

    • 53. Serious Fouls - Blue Cards

    • 54. Serious Fouls - Red Cards

    • 55. Powerplay & Suspension Times

  7. 7
    • 56. The Third Team

    • 57. The Third Team

    • 58. The Third Team

    • 59. The Shot Clock

    • 60. The Shot Clock

    • 61. The Shot Clock

  8. 8
    • 62. Recap

    • 63. Roller Hockey Accreditation Courses-Referee Level 1

  9. 9
    • Quiz